The honor of your presence is requested
Friday, May 2 - Sunday May 4 2025
at Mercy Culture Church in Fort Worth, Texas

Come, for everything is now rEady.

As the Marked Bride, we are set apart, known by God. The Bride is clearly identified because she has been marked by her Bridegroom King. Preparations have been made, invitations have been sent out, and now God says, “COME, FOR EVERYTHING IS NOW READY.” We have been prepared, made new, made ready, and His desire is for us to know Him and be known by Him. 1 Corinthians 8:3 says,  “But if anyone loves God, he is known by God.”

What is Marked Women’s Conference?

a Weekend evEnt for women to be marked by the presence of God.

Marked Women’s Conference is a three day conference hosted at Mercy Culture Church in Fort Worth, TX. The word “marked” means to be set apart or distinguished. Encountering God is what marks us. The time is now for the Bride of Christ, women who have remained unshakeable to boldly approach the throne of grace because we are known by Him. We are fully dressed and walking forth in the boots of readiness as the Known Bride. 

Get your Tickets!

“and at the time for the Banquet He sent His servant to say to those who had been inVited‘Come, for everything is now rEady.”

Luke 14:17

event Info

Looking for more details? Check out our conference FAQ page. We'll be updating this information as we get closer to the event!

serVe team

Join the Marked Serve Team! There are many opportunities to serve at Marked Conference. Select the “Serve Team” ticket type to get your discounted ticket at the $60 price.

*You must be a member of Mercy Culture Church to serve.

“o Lord, You have searched me and known me! You know when i sit down and when i rise up…”